Why Does Gardening Make You Happy

Why Does Gardening Make You Happy

Gardening is a hobby that has been around for centuries. There is a large reason why it has stayed so popular for so long- it makes people happy!

People who garden have reported less stress, an overall increase in happiness, and an increased connection to nature. Plus, you get to enjoy the fruits (or vegetables) of your labor.

Whether you have a backyard or a window sill, there is a gardening style for you. Gardeners come up with unique styles and designs for their plots every season. You can look up tips on how to design your garden by season to get started.

There are several ways to learn more about gardening. You can read books, talk to more experienced gardeners, or visit some of the many free gardening workshops offered. Or you can just start planting!

This article will discuss why gardening makes people happy and some ways to start your own garden.

It’s easy to be happy when you garden

why does gardening make you happy

At the end of the day, you can look back and see what you’ve accomplished. You’ve planted seeds and watched them grow into beautiful plants and flowers.

You’ve weeded out the bad plants to make room for the good ones. You’ve nurtured them with care and attention to grow strong.

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You’ve spent time outdoors in the sun interacting with nature. Plus, you’ve invested time and effort into something that benefits you in the long run.

The more you garden, the more you will learn about how things grow and how to best take care of your plants. This knowledge will last a lifetime and make future gardening trips more fun and successful.

And most importantly, you will have enjoyed yourself while doing it! Gardens can be very therapeutic, especially for people who have trouble being happy in other areas of their life.

You learn about nature

why does gardening make you happy

Gardening teaches you about the different kinds of plants and how to care for them. You learn which ones need more sun or water or both.

You also learn about seasonal changes as well as how to grow herbs for culinary uses. How to grow edible plants is a great way to learn about them!

Plus, you will learn what grows well together and how to take care of those that don’t. Mixing plants with different soils, heights, and needs creates a beautiful garden display.

Another way gardening connects you to nature is by discovering new species of plants. Some may be native to your area, but maybe you discover one that isn’t.

Discovering these plants may make you more aware of the natural world around you which helps connect you to other creatures and elements.

You connect with your environment

why does gardening make you happy

Gardening makes you connect with your environment. You learn about the different plants that grow in your area, how to care for them, and how to grow your own.

Some of the greatest gardeners in the world are actually from the Netherlands. It’s almost a national pastime to grow flowers and vegetables, so it’s no surprise that 75% of people in the Netherlands say they feel connected to nature.

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In a world where we spend so much time indoors on phones, computers, and TVs, gardening is a way to reconnect with what’s around you.

It also gives you an opportunity to spend time with others. Many people invite others over to help garden or just hang out and chat. It’s an easy way to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships.

Either way, you are making an effort to connect with someone else or something else.

You connect with your food

why does gardening make you happy

Gardening gives you a direct connection to your food. You grow it, you eat it! You know exactly how long it took to get a tomato or pepper from seed to table.

This may sound silly, but it makes a difference. When you go to the store and buy tomatoes, you don’t know where they came from or how long it took to get them on the shelf.

You also have a sense of pride in what you grew. When someone asks you if you grew your tomatoes, you can say yes with confidence. You deserve a pat on the back!

Many people enjoy the process of growing food as well as enjoying the end result.

You get exercise

why does gardening make you happy

Gardening is a great way to get exercise into your routine. Not only do you spend time walking around your garden, you also need to care for the plants by watering and weeding.

Weeding requires some effort and can be done in batches. Batching tasks like weeding make them easier to complete.

Plus, as you learn more about gardening, you will have more tasks to complete that require attention and effort. This will keep you engaged and motivated to keep gardening.

For those who are looking for lower-impact exercise options, gardening is a great one to try. It will also help you appreciate all the work your plants are doing!

For those who are more novice gardeners, there are many resources available to help you start gardening. Check your local nurseries or online for tips and tricks.

You can decorate your garden

why does gardening make you happy

Even if you are not a fan of gardening, you can still have a garden. You can create a space where you can put your favorite plants and decorations.

You can put your favorite flowers in your garden or even vegetables like tomatoes or bell peppers. You can also put things like rocks, shells, or figurines in the garden as decorations.

Many people have gardens that are decorated with different colors of flowers or plants of the same color. Some even have little paths made of stones or painted wood to guide people through the garden.

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This is an easy way to start being green and environmentally friendly while also adding some decor to your yard. There are many resources available for free about how to design a garden layout or how to decorate your planted area for decoration and fun.

You can choose what plants you want to grow

why does gardening make you happy

When you go to the store to buy vegetables, you can’t decide what kind of vegetable you want. You get what they have and what’s available.

At the garden store, you can choose any plant you want! You can find ones that are easy to grow and ones that are more expensive or difficult.

Some people like to collect plants, so they enjoy having a variety of plants to choose from. Others just like the feeling of having a plant or garden that is unique and theirs.

Whether you like simple or complex plants, there is something for you at the garden store. Some people even like to combine them, making their garden very diverse and creative.

Also, at the garden store, you can buy small pots of plants or large pots of them. You can buy one or a hundred! It is up to you how many plants you want in your backyard.

It helps nature calm you down

why does gardening make you happy

A garden can help you relax, says Dr. Restivo. “The tranquility found in nature can be experienced when working in a garden.”

We all need time to unwind, and gardening is an easy way to do it. You don’t have to spend hours digging or planting to experience the calm that comes with gardening.

Whether you spend five minutes weeding or an hour planting, you’ll feel the same sense of peace and serenity in the garden.

We often associate green spaces with outdoor gardens, but any room that has plants can be a green space. Even a plant on your desk can make you feel more relaxed and focused at work.

Because plants help clean the air, putting some plants around your workplace or even your desk could help you feel more grounded and relaxed.

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Hi there! My name is Aaron and I am a gardening expert from the United States. I have always had a passion for gardening and have been practicing it for years. I have gained extensive knowledge and experience in gardening.

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