The Best Common House Plants for Every Room in Your House

House plants are a great way to add some nature into your home. There is a wide variety of plants you can choose from, and each one has its own unique look and personality.
Some houseplants are easier to take care of than others. Depending on your plant expertise, some can be difficult to maintain. Luckily, there are many resources available to help you!
Some of the most common house plants are palms, ficus trees, dracaena trees, ivy, zebra cactus, and orchids. These plants are easy to find at local plant stores or online.
Taking care of Common House Plants depends on what they need to thrive. Most require water, light, and maybe some fertilizer every once in a while. Some require more special care than others depending on their roots, soil type, moisture retention, etc.
Snake plants
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels
Snake plants are a cool green plant that can grow tall and wide. These plants can grow very rapidly, so it is important to keep up with its demands for sunlight and water.
Snake plants are not named so because of their appearance, but because of the way they grow. The shoots crawl along the ground until they find something to climb, then they straighten and develop leaves.
These plants are not foolproof, however. If you are not an expert gardener, it is best to go to someone else for this plant. It is pretty hard to kill this plant, though, so do not worry too much!
Something important to note is that snake plants do not like being in high humidity environments. They prefer more dry conditions, so make sure to water them correctly.
Photo by Tharatip Sukee on Pexels
Another very popular group of plants is succulents. These plants are defined by their ability to store water in their leaves and roots.
Many people love succulents because they are very easy to take care of. Since they do not need much water, a simple once-a-week watering is enough!
Succulents come in many shapes and sizes, so there is definitely one for you. Some of the more popular ones are: Aloes, Echeverias, Crassula, and Sedum.
Like all plants, succulents need sunlight, so make sure to place yours where it can get enough! It is also important to watch for pests like spider mites or mealy bugs which can plague succulents. Check your plant every once in a while to ensure that these do not take hold.
Spider plants
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Spider plants, also known as airplane plants, are a fun way to add some greenery to your space. These plants come in a variety of species, from Venus flytrap to wandering Jew.
Spider plants feature long, slender leaves that grow up and then down in a curved shape, resembling a spider with its legs spread. For this reason, they are called airplane plants due to their shape resembling an airplane wing.
Spider plants are notifiable by their long roots and ability to sprout little plantlets that can be replanted. These little ones can eventually grow into full size Spider Plants!
Something important to note is that Spider Plants require certain light levels to survive. They need low light for their roots, but higher light levels for their leaves. Some tips for providing the correct lighting is switching between low and high-level lights depending on the time of the day or season.
Bamboo plant
A bamboo plant is a lovely addition to any house. These plants can be either grown in soil or water, depending on the type of bamboo plant you get.
If you want to grow a bamboo in water, then you need to get it in the soil sooner than later. When it grows roots down into the water, then it is time to add soil. Once it has established a strong root system, it is hard to pull it out!
These plants are not easy to care for, so make sure you research how to take care of your specific type. Some nutrients are harder to provide for a bamboo plant than others, so check which ones and how much by checking with a professional botanist.
Bamboo plants need watered and fed regularly, and some tips say to water at different times depending on the size of the plant and if it needs a bath.
Photo by Faraz Ahmad on Pexels
A common house plant is pothos. It is also known as golden pothos and vine plant. It is commonly sold at garden centers and grocery stores. It is easy to grow and maintain.
Pothos plants are not specific about what soil type they like. They enjoy soil that is moist but not wet. If you notice your pothos looking pale or yellowish, then give it a water bath to perk it back up!
Watering frequency depends on how often your pothos needs to be watered. If it is in a room with lots of sunlight, then it will need more frequent watering due to the heat making the plant thirsty.
The biggest problem people have with pothos is overwatering.
Air plants
A special category of plants is called air plants. These are plants that do not need a soil base to grow in. Instead, air plants grow in a variety of materials, like moss or tree bark.
Air plants gain their nutrition and moisture from the environments they are placed in. This means an air plant will look lush and beautiful as it grows where it is planted, even if that is just empty space!
Some varieties of air plants are actually referred to as flying flowers due to their roots being replaced by stems with flowers on them. These are very interesting looking and add a little something extra to an arrangement.
Air plants are very easy to take care of, which makes them a good starter plant for someone who wants to learn how to nurture something.
Chinese evergreen
Chinese evergreen is a beautiful foliage plant. It is also one of the hardest to care for. These plants are not native to any country, making them hard to find resources on how to care for them.
They are not necessarily ugly when they die, but it is hard to know when that will be. They do not show many signs of illness or death.
Chinese evergreens thrive off of low light conditions. These plants need very little sunlight exposure which can be a problem in homes with lots of windows and bright lighting. The plant will turn brown and die if it does not get enough nutrients and water.
To keep your Chinese evergreen alive, water it regularly but do not over-water! It is important to let the soil dry out a little before watering again. Check the soil occasionally to see if it needs more water.
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels
Ferns are a group of plants that are referred to as filamentous. This means that they have a special structure called filaments, which look like slender leaves.
These filaments look like leaves and function like leaves, primarily for photosynthesis. Ferns also have roots that dig into the ground, just like any other plant.
There are many different types of ferns, some of which are easier to grow than others. Most ferns require at least some indirect sunlight and moist soil. Some varieties need more or less of these things depending on their native environment.
One easy type of fern to grow is the wandering maiden wiregrass (Cymatium inexpectatum). This plant is a terrestrial fern, meaning it has roots that function like feet in that they connect to the ground.
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Hi there! My name is Aaron and I am a gardening expert from the United States. I have always had a passion for gardening and have been practicing it for years. I have gained extensive knowledge and experience in gardening.