The Essential Indoor Gardening Tools

The Essential Indoor Gardening Tools

Indoor gardening is a fun way to spend your time. There are many ways to garden indoors, from simple seed planting to complex hydroponic systems. What method you choose depends on your level of experience and what type of plant you are looking to grow.

For beginner gardeners, starting with seeds is a good way to go. There are a few essential tools you need to start seed planting. The first one is a soil mixture for the seeds you are planting. You need 1) a container for the soil, 2) a wetting agent or water, and 3) containers for the planted seeds to grow in.

You also need something to measure the size of the plants as they grow, and something to keep the plants moist while they grow. These are also essential gardening tools!

This article will talk about all of these basic tools needed for indoor gardening.

Soft brush


A soft brush is a useful tool for cleaning your plants. You can use it to gently brush away debris and moss from your plant’s leaves.

If you have planted your plants in pots, a brush can be used to scrub away dirt that has gathered around the roots. You can also use the brush to gently shake off excess water from the plant after you have watered it.

A soft brush can also be used to clean off cobweathat have developed on your plants. Cobweath is a kind of thin, whitish film that develops on plant leaves as a response to a lack of light.

Water sprayer

Long haired lady using white spray bottle for green plant in selected focus

Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels

A water sprayer is a must-have for any gardener. You can buy a simple watering can or invest in a more sophisticated water irrigation system.

Either way, these tools help you conserve water while still ensuring your plants get the sufficient moisture they need. What makes these tools so great is the ability to fine-tune the amount of water that is sprayed onto your plants.

When starting out with indoor plants, it is important to know how much water your plant needs. Some plants require more than others, and insufficient water can kill a plant. So, make sure to check for this and know how to tell if your plant needs more!

A water sprayer comes in handy when you have spider mites on your plants. These tiny pests tend to congregate on the top of the plant where the leaves meet the stem. A quick shot of water will help rid your plant of these invaders.

Indoor plant fertilizer

Crop gardener showing soil on trowel in house

Photo by Teona Swift on Pexels

Once you have picked out your plants and pots, the next step is to get fertilizer for your plants. There are two types of fertilizers you will need to invest in: starter fertilizer and grower fertilizer.

Starter fertilizers have low numbers on the package, like five-number or six-number phosphate compounds. These are meant to be used when the plant is just starting to grow, usually when it has been transplanted into a larger pot or when it has sprouted new leaves.

Grower fertilizers have higher numbers on the package, like seven-, eight-, or nine-number phosphate compounds. These are meant to be used when the plant grows in size, like when it is budding or flowering.

You will want to buy your fertilizers at an equipment supply store so that you get quality products that match what we described above.

Potting mix

When choosing what kind of potting mix to use, make sure it is not exposed to lead. Lead can be prevalent in soil, and it inhibits plant growth. It can also be harmful to humans if ingested.

Plants require oxygen and water, so a medium that allows for both of these things is important. A poorly-selected potting mix can cause your plants to wilt or die!

There are several types of potting mixes, some better than others depending on what you are looking for. General categories include clay, loam, peat, or coconut husk-based ones.

Clay pots require a more dense potting mix to keep water from leaking through. Loam is a more earthy texture that plants like staying in. Peat moss is better for moisture retention, and coconut husk is cheaper and easier to source.

For starting beginner gardeners, we recommend buying a loam-based potting mix.

Plastic plant pots

Person Holding Green Cactus Plant

Photo by cotton-bro studio on Pexels

Once you have decided what plants you want to grow and what size pots you want to use, the next key item is the plastic plant pot. These can be bought at most garden stores or online.

There are many different types of plastic plant pots, so it is best to research which ones work best for your plants. Some plants like tall, thin roots, and others like short and fat roots.

Root trainers are very helpful for young plants as they help the plant transition from being planted in the ground to being planted in a permanent plastic pot. These can be purchased at most gardening stores or online as well.

Some of the most common plastic pot materials are vinyl, polycarbonate, and pega-porge. All of these vary in cost depending on how many you need and where you purchase them.

Indoor plants

Red Hammock Inside Room

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels

Indoor plants are a beautiful way to add some greenery to your home or workspace. Adding some low-lying plants on shelves or along windowsills is a simple way to add some flair.

Indoor plants can add some beauty to your life as well! Studious individuals may find that having some planted in their workspace adds a little relaxation and refreshment.

The beauty of indoor plants is that you can either buy them at a local plant store or get seeds and sprout them. Both are very easy and cost-effective ways to get started.

Indoor gardening requires some essential tools that will make your planting experience more successful. The most important one is a pot with adequate drainage holes! This is crucial for watering the plant, as it does not want it to sit in water and drown.

Also, taking note of the size of the plant and getting a pot that fits its size perfectly is important for growth.


View of a Growroom

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Indoor gardeners rely heavily on their light source to help grow beautiful, healthy plants. Depending on what stage your plants are in, different light sources are needed.

For starters, CFL bulbs are a good source of light until your plants get taller. Then, you will need to invest in a T5 fluorescent bulb as well as a bright overhead light for the plants to thrive. These lights can be bought at your local hardware store or online.

Something important to note is that plants need different colors of light to grow effectively.



A thermometer is a vital tool for any grower. You will need to monitor the temperature of your growing space to make sure your plants get the right conditions.

Temperature plays a big role in the process of germination to maturity. Too low of a temperature and your seeds will not germinate, too high and your plants may die or not form full leaves.

A thermometer can be used to check the ambient temperature of your grow space as well as the temperature of the medium your plants are in. This is very important to check if you are using things like artificial lighting as these may increase the temperature slightly.

A cool down period is needed before planting some plants due to their native climate adaptations. A thermometer can help you detect when this needs to be done.

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Hi there! My name is Aaron and I am a gardening expert from the United States. I have always had a passion for gardening and have been practicing it for years. I have gained extensive knowledge and experience in gardening.

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